1-73= DPK Dictionary

NOTE: This page help you more understand about this blog. Disebabkan perkembangan istilah dalam gagasan DPK berlaku dengan cepat dan sangat maju, halaman ini sukar dikemaskinikan dan kerap gagal menyediakan segala istilah yang ada dan yang terkini [T=Reason terminology delevopment in DPK concept happen quickly and very progressive, this page difficult to update and always fail to give whole terminology that exist and which newest].  You never learn malay language or BAHASA MALAYSIA? You are not Malaysian? If true, learn this DPK Dictionary:


Bahasa MELAYU or Bahasa Malaysia or Malay Language Or MALAYSIAN language is not difficult to study it .........

Bahasa MELAYU or Bahasa Malaysia or Malay Language Or MALAYSIAN language is not difficult to study it ……… The ORANG utan also like to study malay language? How about you? MALAY LANGUAGE OR BAHASA MALAYSIA Has potential to be international language or world language like ENGLISH!!!


NEWEST UPDATE IS:   11 february 2016


>Alamat Kitaran ialah sesuatu perkembangan kitaran yang menjadi tanda akan terjadi kitaran, sama ada tanda biasa atau tidak.

>ALLAH = Name of God in ISLAM. Muslims believe only one God exist. Allah has 99 names.

Automatic Behaviour = Keadaan mendapat kebiasaan baik tanpa perlu bersusah-payah, tanpa ada perasaan terpaksa, tanpa latihan yang kerap dan tanpa ada hukuman yang membentuk keperibadian dan dalam sesetengah kejadian, keperibadian itu diperolehi dengan dorongan rasa tanpa ilmu kerana rasa yang jadi “akal” itu datang mendorong dan menunjukkan arah yang lurus lebih dahulu sebelum datang pengetahuan yang berkaitan. Rasa yang bukan percikan dari nafsu tetapi percikan dari cahaya akal [T= Condition about get nice habit without need to get difficulty, without has force emotion, without practice which often and without exist punishment which form personality and in some incident, the personality got with feel encouragement without knowledge reason feel which be the “mind” come to encourage and show straight direction first before exist relevant knowledge. Feel which is not splash from lust but splash from mind light]

> Alpaibaka = ” Realize what he/she will do or what he/she doing is something dangerous or  not useful but still hope that dangerous or not useful matter will not happen although his/her heart more believe that he/she might get bad effect if do it”. Alpaibaka is Alpa ibarat dipukau

Asaidad= Asaidad is a short form from Asa tidak disangkai= Asaidad.  Asaidad is strong factor that avoid one  our bad habit , block it from happen more in long period AND we did not realize it is asaidad but may realize after long period we did not make that bad habit which we are sure it [bad habit] has relevance with asaidad. Some asaidad might be badarila which we did not realize it as badarila or asaidad. We might realize it after long period which in that period we still not make that bad habit.

Asa isaAsa disangkai = Asa isa.  Asa isa is: Strong factor that avoid one our bad habit, block it from happen more in long period and we are sure or treat that Asa isa can avoid & block before we use Asa isa condition. Some Asa isa might be badarila. Asaidad and Asa isa are sample for pemutus teguh.

>ATaara= ATaara is one secret terminology in The Kitaran Personaliti Theory. Why must be secret? Reason someone may get any accident be due to use aTaara. It is not easy to explain what aTaara is but I believe that aTaara indeed exist around human being life. Word “aTaara” come from “Cara Tanpa Cara [=Way Without Way]. ATaara encourage “arrange” with suitable condition which still happen. It seem like automatic action by use few energy from our brain. However aTaara might happen without make it repeatedly. But when it happen, seem look like something that we ever make it always. Interesting, it make reaction in second or faster than one second!!! This is miracle when feeling look take brain ……….. [secret word, sorry about this]. Ataara can also happen in slow action.

>Awalajabia =For this is a secret, I only can explain it without you understand by perfect. So, sorry about that. “Awalajabia” is anything first time action which cause be our habit such as we make something that we never do but when we do it for first time, it encourage we make it more without force us to do that. This something we like not understand how this process happen? However when we make the research about it, we will not feel strange more because there are many awalajabia happen always in around our lives!!! Awalajabia might bad habit but also might good habit. Awalajabia is short form from “Awalan jadi biasa”. What benefit we can get from awalajabia? One benefit from awalajabia is awalajabia become map of incident. Other benefit?

Badarila =Something condition which destroy one  bad habit which will never exist more until we die “. This Badarila might cause whole or some factor [which cause exist that  bad habit which ” was dead”] become blunt or weak [or might will damage also]. When this happen, it is badarila magnetic factor<<.  BADARILA IS MEAN BANTUAN DARIPADA ALLAH [HELP FROM ALLAH].

Badarila magnetic factor  = Badarila which cause whole or some  bad habit [which  dead] factor become blunt or weak .

Bersifat DPK [Has DPK characteristic] = Has characteristic like what become statement or description for basic DPK terminology or has characteristic which be euncouragement for get DPK principles and at the same time also has principle which its existence we can know

>Bukuan Otomatik ialah juga istilah yang dirahsiakan maksudnya. Tujuan rahsia ini untuk mengelakkan terjadi jenayah dan salahguna kuasa. Tindakan automatic ini terjadi apabila satu keadaan …… dilakukan dengan cepat atau dengan kepekaan yang mengelakkan kepekaan lain.


>Dekorasi DPK/DPK Decoration = Hiasan DPK, SESUATU DALAM KANDUNGAN GAGASAN DPK atau sesuatu dalam kandungan siratan awal yang tidak boleh dianggap sebagai kandungan prinsip DPK versi Perintis DPK melainkan yang semakna dan semaksud dengan sesuatu yang terkandung dalam prinsip DPK dan siratan awalnya. Dekorasi DPK hendaklah dianggap sebagai hiasan semata-mata yang tidak berkaitan prinsip DPK melainkan yang semakna dan semaksud itu. Sesetengah kandungan dekorasi itu mungkin membantah atau melawan prinsip DPK dan siratan awal versi perintis DPK. [ OR HIASAN DPK, is anything in DPK CONCEPT content or anything in siratan awal content which cannot treat it as DPK principle content in DPK pioneer version except which same meaning with anything in DPK PRINCIPLE CONTENT OR ITS SIRATAN AWAL. We must treat that DPK DECORATION only be decoration which is not relevant to DPK principle except has same meaning. Some decoration content might disagree or oppose DPK principle and siratan awal in DPK pioneer version]. Contoh dekorasi DPK ialah imej dan pautan yang dilampirkan [examples of DPK decoration are image and link which be appendage]

>Destroy With….= Destroy is mean make change to pure Islam teaching for damage its pureness or damage or lessen sovereignty or development of ISLAM and muslim. With Plus is mean put something like falseness and wrong meaning and anything illicit to Islam teaching so that Islam teaching  mixed with something which actually is not  ORIGINAL ISLAM TEACHING or use condition of “mixed, unity et cetera ” so that the “destroy” happen.

Di Persimpangan Kutub [=DPK] = Name of a concept which contain these principles: First principle is ” About or human who alone while expect get correct morally and have big strength in love the truth by practice the search truth method [=DPK method] that at least about DPK method in newest version of the creator of DPK and have strong and full confidence about DPK principles, at least know about DPK principle of Pioneer of DPK in his latest or newest version”, SECOND principle is ” Know and believe about examples of DPK methods are reasonable and believe that these DPK method can be better by addition new methods,” THIRD principle is ” Confident that Imam Mahdi and Prophet ISA a.s STILL ALIVE and they will vanquish & govern world such which Allah [a GOD] command to them,” FOURTH principle is ” Believed that whole peoples [in special meaning is “whole muslim”] must know and learn whole content of al-Quran and Kutub al-Sittah and believe that handicapped [symbolic for bad matter, falseness, wrong meaning, error,….] concerning text wherever at world indeed happen,” FIFTH principle is “Believe that politic system which ALLAH make it as compulsory thing is Imamah concept or caliph, other than this is stray as illicit and falseness and believe that group kind and realizations level are 0-25%, 26-50%, 51-75% and 76-100%[ but non-muslim did not inclusive in whole percentage because DPK group must muslim], SIXTH principle is “Do not befriend with non-muslim and ignorant and evil muslim. Allah command female muslim to use jilbab or purdah as one compulsory matter [Purdah is a clothes which cover whole parts of muslim women’s bodies inclusive head and face and palm EXCEPT eyes] EXCEPT female group who get exception from Allah,” SEVENTH principle is ” confident love on amusement cause people become mad, have mental and soul disease, exist stray which illicit, fertilize lust, disturbed emotion and “amarah” lust which make lust as a God. Believe that Islam enemies use “Destroy With Plus” method and other various method. Believe that exist falseness in religion about the culture of peoples who become goverment’s worker, company, private organization, family, custom culture, formal custom, trade et cetera,” EIGHTH principle is ” Confident that concept and finance system of Islam such happen at any bank which people treat as Islam or do according Islam actually is false and cheat because actually still happen RIBA. Believe that need to launch rescuer mission which is called as mission of “Penjana Generasi Tiga Mega” which become The King Of Indigence Killer,” NINTH DPK PRINCIPLE OR LAST DPK PRINCIPLE IS ” Confident that “Tarekat ” and  “Kesufian”  teaching indeed exist in pure ISLAM .”

>Dotisema =DOTISEMA is Dorongan Tidak Serasi Masa. DOTISEMA situation encourage us to do something but we always cannot to do it because the present is more suitable to do other work BUT we feel lazy to do other work AND the laziness cause the encouragement exist. So, DOTISEMA is one situation block ourselves from make two different thing namely what DOTISEMA encourage and what more suitable at DOTISEMA time although we have potential to do both work

>DPK Boleh Ditolak [DPKbd] = IALAH keadaan seperti berikut/IS condition like these:

1=Kandungan gagasan DPK yang boleh dianggap sebagai kandungan prinsip DPK dan boleh juga tidak dianggap demikian. Contohnya, kandungan cerpen Istidraj kecuali kesimpulan istidraj yang zahir yang dinyatakan dalam cerpen itu. Contoh lain ialah cerpen Selamat Datang Ke Model Kerajaan Di Persimpangan Kutub. Cerpen ini boleh diabaikan jika mesej tersembunyi yang terkandung dalam cerpen ini telah dikesan atau diketahui kerana siratan ghaib inilah yang sebenarnya menjadi kandungan prinsip DPK [T= Content of DPK concept which we can treat it as DPK principle content and also cannot treat it as thus.Example, content of short story Istidraj except Istidraj conclusion which look as what be information in that short story. Other example is short story Selamat Datang Ke Model Kerajaan Di Persimpangan Kutub. Can neglect this short story if know hide message in that short story because actually this siratan ghaib be the content of DPK principle]

2= Kandungan gagasan DPK yang harus atau wajib atau mestilah ditolak sesuai dengan persyaratan 51% yang membuang kesilapan, kesalahan, sesuai dengan gelombang cinta [T= The content of DPK concept which we should or must not accept it consistent with condition 51% which delete mistake, error, consistent with love wave]

3= Pembuangan yang sama, yang jadi pengulangan, seperti symbol bacaan, perkataan dan ayat yang semakna dan semaksud, yang merupakan pengulangan yang tidak perlu atau boleh juga diabaikan. Pembuangan ini untuk menghasilkan gagasan DPK dalam bentuk sumber DPK pemintas [T= Delete that same, which be repeat thing, such symbol of read, word and sentence which same meaning, which be repeat that is not necessary or can neglect it also. This deletion for create DPK concept in short cut DPK source form]

4= Kandungan dalam gagasan DPK yang boleh diabaikan kerana secara logic dapat dianggap tidak berkaitan prinsip DPK atau secara logic, boleh dianggap bukan menjadi kandungan untuk intipati asas dan siratan awal prinsip DPK. Hal seperti ini, contohnya ialah Dekorasi DPK [T= TRANSLATION IN ENGLISH = Content in DPK concept which we can neglect reason by logically can treat it as did not relevant to DPK principle or logically, can treat it as something is not be the content for basic information and siratan awal for DPK principle]

DPKbd ialah juga proses penapisan terhadap gagasan DPK untuk menghasilkan gagasan DPK dalam bentuk versi terkini, yang menjadi versi sebenar perintis DPK. DPKbd is also the process of filter act concerning DPK concept for create DPK concept in newest version form, which be real version of DPK pioneer]


>EDana =Emosi Dari bahana. Iaitu emosi yang membentuk kitaran personaliti dan emosi ini terhasil daripada akibat yang pernah atau sedang dihadapinya. Sesetengah kejadian, emosi ini tidaklah berdasarkan pengetahuan melainkan perasaan sahaja. Contohnya, melakukan kerana itu adalah menjadi budaya atau adat, tanpa memikirkan adakah adat itu haram atau halal. Hanya mengikut perasaan sahaja[T= Emotion from consequence. That is emotion which shape personality recurrence and this exist from consequence that ever or still experience it. Some incident, the emotion is not base on knowledge except emotion only. Its sample, do for that is be culture or custom, without think whether the custom is illicit or not. Only follow emotion merely].



>Gelombang Cinta [Love Wave]= Keadaan gagasan DPK yang sentiasa sesuai dengan ajaran Islam Tulin dan yang sentiasa sesuai dengan logic akal dan sains pada setiap masa, zaman, tempat dan keadaan kerana sebarang kesilapan dan kesalahan dalam kandungan gagasan DPK tidak dianggap sebagai kandungan gagasan DPK dan hendaklah kesilapan dan kesalahan itu dianggap telah dihapuskan dan diperbetulkan oleh Pengasas DPK secara automatic, sama ada ketika pengasas masih hidup atau telah mati. Cinta yang dimaksudkan di sini ialah cinta KEPADA KEBENARAN [The condition of DPK concept which often situable with pure Islam teaching and often situable with mind logic and science at everytime, era, place and condition reason whole mistake and error in DPK concept content did not treat as DPK concept content and must treat any mistake and error as something damage or got correction made by DPK founder automatically, whether when founder still alive or death. Love that be meaning here is love to the truth]

>Generasi Pempopular DPK atau Generasi Revolusi DPK = Generation  who make DPK popular or DPK Revolution Generation = Like generasi penambah 51%, they are like people who make DPK Concept become  popular with write about it with free without make any change which cause opposite meaning exist [except such for make correction about DPK FOUNDER VERSION] concerning original 51% version, 52%, 53% and more.  With write whole or a part [chosen] from original version content, with write number of principle or not, with state name of concept or not. This is such what we call as DPK SOURCE only or did not call it as DPK SOURCE although the source has DPK characteristic.

>Generasi Penambah 51% = Generation who add 51% = They are like this condition= imitate or copy DPK Founder website [imitate 100% or not] with put tenth DPK principle or more than ten or did not state any new principle but add or  make content of 51% version  or other person version  better such 52%, 53% next until  75%. If necessary, please state which is 51% original version , which be my version [Version of DPK FOUNDER]

>> Golongan 0-25% [Group of 0-25%] = Golongan yang tiada atau kurang kesedaran pengetahuan dan falsafah yang baik. Sebahagian daripada mereka menjadi ketua Negara, pemimpin organisasi atau jabatan, pemimpin kelab, pertubuhan dan lain-lain. Kejahilan telah mendorong lagi mereka menjadi dictator, bodoh sombong, kejam, sakit mental dan sakit jiwa sehingga timbul istilah seperti kroni dan sebagainya. Contoh orang yang memiliki kesedaran sebanyak 25% ialah mereka yang banyak setuju bahawa golongan 0-25% juga mempunyai banyak kejahilan dan kekejaman. Ramai yang mempunyai kesedaran 25% ini berubah menjadi golongan 26-50% [T= Group who has no or has a little realization of knowledge and philosophy which nice. A part of them be leader of country, organization leader or department, club leader, association et cetera. Ignorance encouraged them more dictator, ego fool, cruel, mental sick and soul sick until exist terminology such crony et cetera. Example of peoples who have realization in 25% are they who much agree about group 0-25% also has much ignorance and cruelty. Many of them who have 25% realization change to be group 26-50%]

>> Golongan 26-50% [ Group 26-50%] = Golongan ini selalu menyiasat tipu-daya dan keburukan golongan 0-25%. Hasil penyiasatan mereka ialah penemuan bukti-bukti dan hujah bantahan tentang kepincangan konsep, amalan, budaya golongan 0-25%. Contoh golongan 26-50% ialah ahli dan pemimpin parti pembangkang. Tahap kesedaran golongan ini boleh dianggap sebanyak 26-50% sahaja. Yang 50% itu, contohnya ialah parti ulamak yang jadi parti pembangkang yang mengatakan bahawa parti mereka ialah parti Islam tetapi mereka tidak menyedari bahawa konsep Islam mereka masih ada yang berbidaah sesat walaupun memang ada yang betul dan halal [T= THIS group often investigate deceive and badness of group 0-25%. Conclusion of their investigation is get evidences and opinion to disagree about handicap in group 0-25% concept, practice, culture. Examples for group 26-50% are member and leader of objector party. Realization level of this group can treat in 26-50% only. The 50%, its example is ulema party who be objector party who said that their party are Islam party but they did not realize that their Islam concept still has not true Islam teaching although indeed has the correct matter and non-illicit matter]

>> Golongan 51-75% [Group 51-75%]= Golongan DPK kategori pertama. Mereka ialah golongan yang mempopularkan nama Imam Mahdi dan nabi Isa. MEREKA adalah penyokong gagasan DPK versi perintis DPK ATAU mematuhi persyaratan 51% yang melayakkan mereka berada di dalam golongan 51% atau 51-75%. Mereka tidak mahu mengundi [pilihanraya], memulaukan pilihanraya kerana menganggap system politik buatan manusia seperti demokrasi termasuklah yang dikatakan sebagai demokrasi Islam adalah bidaah sesat[T= First DPK Group category. They are a group who make Imam Mahdi and prophet Isa be famous. THEY are supporter on DPK concept in DPK pioneer version OR obedient about condition 51% which make them can be in group 51% or 51-75%. They did not want to vote [election],neglect on election because treat that politic system made by human being such democracy inclusive what is called as Islam democracy are false Islam teaching]. Golongan ini memperjuangkan konsep Imamah atau khilafiah. Mereka tidak mahu mengundi [pilihanraya] kerana akan menyebabkan mereka berkongsi dosa dengan pihak parti yang menang [jika mereka mengundi dan parti itu menang] yang jadi parti kerajaan yang memerintah kerana pemerintahan parti tersebut bukan dengan konsep kekhalifahan [T=This group support Imamah concept or khilafiah. They did not want to vote [election] because will cause them share sin with party who win [if they vote and the party win] who be government party who command because that party governance is not use caliph concept] .75% itu ialah orang yang hampir memiliki kesedaran golongan DPK kategori kedua yang paling minima kesedarannya [iaitu 76%]. 75% itu hanya sebagai simbolik. Mustahil dapat dijelaskan secara terperinci. Golongan 51-75% juga dinamakan sebagai Golongan Bintang Pertama Dunia iaitu maksudnya golongan penyokong Bintang Pertama Dunia iaitu nama gagasan ini, GAGASAN BINTANG PERTAMA DUNIA ATAU GAGASAN DI PERSIMPANGAN KUTUB [T=The 75% only as symbolic. Impossible can to explain it for get detail information. Group 51-75% also has name as World First Star Group which is mean group who be supporter to World First Star, that is a name for this concept, Concept of World First Star or Di Persimpangan Kutub Concept]

>> Golongan 76-100% [Group 76-100%] = Golongan yang hidup semasa pemerintahan Imam Mahdi yang akan berlaku iaitu yang mendapat didikan daripada Imam MAHDI. 100% itu, contohnya ialah ulamak-ulamak yang menjadi sahabat karib Imam Mahdi[T= A group who alive when Imam Mahdi governance which will happen that is people who get guidance from Imam MAHDI. The 100%, its example is ulema who be Imam Mahdi closest friend].Ini ialah golongan DPK kategori kedua atau golongan PANJI-PANJI HITAM kerana tentera Mahdi akan membawa bendera berwarna hitam ketika pergi berperang yang akan terjadi dalam sejarah. Golongan 76-100% juga dinamakan sebagai golongan bintang kedua dunia atau golongan pengakhiran sebab golongan ini akan mengakhirkan atau menyelesaikan misi-misi golongan DPK kategori pertama yang gagal diselesaikan atau terbengkalai[T= This is second DPK group category or BLACK BANNER group because Mahdi soldier will bring black flag when go to war which will happen in history. Group 76-100% also get name as world second star or finish group because this group will end or accomplish any mission of first DPK group category which fail to finish or not accomplish].


>Halaman Pembawa DPK = Are page 3-1, 3-2, 3-3, 3-4 and 3-5 at this blog [Di Persimpangan Kutub].


Iasa eka jara: Ialah satu istilah dalam teori kitaran personality yang dirahsiakan oleh saya . Ia berkaitan peramal kitaran & alamat kitaran. Iasa eka jara berasal daripada ayat Biasa meneka sejarah. Ia perincian rahsia.

>“I Key lamp adD”= “Impak Keyakinan Melampaui Had Dibenarkan”. Penyakit jiwa ini saya telah mengesan ia wujud dan telah menjadi wabak sedunia. I Key lamp adD juga menyebabkan sebarang kritikan atau penghinaan atau bantahan daripada sesuatu pihak lain terutama yang terkenal sebagai golongan pembangkangnya dianggap seperti  sesuatu yang tidak terjadi, seolah-olah tidak mendengarinya, walaupun pengkritik menggunakan bukti dan dalil yang kuat & menang. Ini kerana ada factor ” masih menaruh harapan” TERHADAP golongan yang dikritik, yang disokong oleh pesakit I Key lamp adD

>Intipati asas prinsip DPK [DPK principle basic content]= information which use number, which become basic information, not include siratan awal

>Istidraj= Whatever success and enjoyable & pleasure which EVIL MUSLIM AND/OR  non-believer ISLAM got it like have richness, strength, beauty, success in academic achievement , success in trade, have a lot of property , have a bungalow, have good transport ETC. In ISLAM, Allah gave istidraj to non-muslims  AND EVIL MUSLIM , not because Allah love them but Allah give all of those matter with hatred, hate them because they did not OBEDIENT TO ALLAH, AND FOR NON-MUSLIM: BECAUSE THEY DID NOT believe that a true GOD is ALLAH ONLY AND  a true religion is ISLAM ONLY.

>Istilah asas atau istilah utama DPK [Basic terminology or main terminology of DPK]= what be content for First DPK principle

>Istilah asas DPK semasa Imam Mahdi ialah istilah asas DPK versi pengasas DPK yang berubah secara automatic pada masa Imam Mahdi telah memimpin manusia atau telah datang  iaitu [ Basic terminology of DPK when Imam Mahdi is basic terminology of DPK in DPK founder version with has change automatically when Imam Mahdi lead people or he came that is =

Keadaan atau orang yang beruzlah sambil mengharapkan kemuliaan dan teguh mencintai dan teguh menyatakan kebenaran dengan mengamalkan kaedah pengesanan kebenaran dan meyakini sepenuh hati dengan ikhlas terhadap segala prinsip dan siratannya yang memang dijamin oleh Allah sebagai benar iaitu terutamanya ialah yang berkaitan agama ISLAM = Condition or people who alone while expect get correct morally[good manner] and strong in love and strong in explain the truth with practice truth searcher methods and full confident with honest concerning whole principles and “siratannya” which indeed get guarantee from Allah as true especially about Islam religion”

[istilah asas sebelum kedatangan Mahdi [DPK basic terminology before Mahdi arrival] = “Condition or people who alone while expect get good manner and strong in love and explain the truth and practice truth searcher methods [dpk method] at least about any content from DPK method in DPK founder newest version/last and have full confident and strong concerning content of DPK principles [at least about DPK  principle content and “siratan awal” FOR DPK in last version of DPK founder.”

>Istiqamah = This word often use for good behaviour which very strong or more strong or stronger than habitual strength. We can say that istiqamah is used for anyone who have stronger faith. More strong than habitual faith strength [faith in ISLAM]. This word only used for explain faith STRENGTH in ISLAM only.


>Kahelip = Kereta yang dapat berubah menjadi helicopter dan dapat berubah kembali menjadi kereta dengan menekan suis dan menggunakan peralatan tertentu [Car that can transform to helicopter and can transform to car again with use the switch and relevant tool]

>Kandungan DPK = kandungan asas prinsip DPK dan kandungan bawah prinsip DPK [=Siratan awal]

>Kandungan asas prinsip DPK = Content which DPK Founder explain with use number. This is basic information for the relevant principle.

>Kandungan bawah prinsip DPK [BAGI maksud versi prinsip DPK perintis DPK] [Content under DPK principle (FOR the meaning of DPK principle version for DPK pioneer]= siratan awal=   Content which DPK pioneer explain it under basic information for DPK concept . Siratan awal did not inclusive information such appendage videos et cetera which can treat as something are not relevant or did not same meaning with any content use number or with the “siratan awal”.

>Kandungan Prinsip DPK [bagi maksud versi perintis DPK] [DPK Principle Content (for the meaning of DPK founder version) = “Any content which DPK founder explain it with number as basic information for DPK concept znd any content which call siratan awal [especially anything which can treat has same meaning or relevant which the content use number] and there have any other content which are not relevant to DPK concept such something is not be “Siratan Lanjutan” for DPK . However siratan lanjutan did not be DPK principle  content.


Sesuatu dan apa juga yang dapat dilihat, dibaca, didengari pada website perintis DPK [Anything and whatever can see, read, hear at DPK pioneer website]

>Kerajaan [government] = Peoples who get responsibility or get any work to do from largest group of any area so that manage anything ownership which whole peoples have authority to it and so that manage something become agreement together with obedient to al-Quran and prophet Muhammad teaching and his good manner as main  constitution, law and life style.

>Keramat or Karamah =Whatever incident which amaze people , which Allah give to Wali Allah for help them get what they want and for make they feel happy and safe. This special incident be evidence that wali Allah is Allah’s lover. However, these word [keramat and karamah] only use for wali Allah who are not be prophet.

Khilafah or khilafiah =A  true Islam governance system. In thissystem, all of muslim countries in this world must be only one country or one government only. A caliph who is  ulema govern this empire, can called “Amirulmukminin”. However, as you see, muslim countries have no be one country or one empire. They did not obedient or did not use this Islam governance system but one muslim empire will exist when Mahdi govern this world. This sure happen because Prophet Muhammad said that Mahdi will govern this world in five or seven or nine year.

>Kitaran GAYA ialah kitaran wajah [seperti cara seseorang biasanya berkata, keadaan kebiasaan berdirinya, keadaan nada percakapan, gerakan otot muka, cara senyum, cara ketawa], kitaran berjalan [cara berjalan], kitaran berpakaian [cara berpakaian], kitaran duduk [cara duduk], kitaran baring , kitaran tidur dan kitaran marah.

Kitaran Personaliti = [T=Recurrence Personality] = Ini ialah teori tentang wujud kedudukan tertib biasa sesuatu kejadian kebiasaan yang akan berakhir dengan kebiasaan yang terakhir dalam sesuatu hari itu dan pusingan tertib ini biasanya berlaku lagi pada hari-hari berikutnya atau besok dan sukar dihapuskan atau diputuskan kitaran ini [T= This is a theory about exist position of usual sequence for any habit incident which will end with last habit in any that day and this usual sequence rotation often happen again on next days or tomorrow and difficult to destroy it or disconnect this recurrence]


> LUST TWIN = Two recurrences or two habit or two characteristic (normally evil) which always related together and be continuation together and difficult to divorce. If one of them is happen, normally one more of them or the second which its twin will happen and the strenght of  this “normally” or this incident is very strong such automatic strenght.



>Magnetic factor = What is magnetic factor? >>The factor may asaidad or asa isa or badarila which cause  more than one or many bad habit become weak <<. Such magnetic, the factor pull other bad behaviour become weak also. Weak here is mean such sometimes that bad habit is not happen because we succeed avoid it from control ourselves or exist time we succeed control it. When these bad habit  finally die [not exist more], we call asaidad or asa isa magnetic factor  became badarila magnetic factor. When any factor [asaidad or asa isa or badarila] did not cause more than one or only cause one bad habit become weak, we call these as asaidad or asa isa or badarila but if they can cause more than one or many bad habit become more weak, we call these as magnetic factor in general meaning or in special or detailed meaning as asaidad magnetic factor or asa isa magnetic factor or badarila magnetic factor.

>”Melebihi 51% “mempunyai 2 maksud [Over 51% has 2 means:] :

1= Versi DPK 51% yang diubah , dipinda serta ditambah kandungannya oleh seseorang yang bukan pengasas DPK dan ubahan dan tambahan itu sesuai dengan syarat gagasan DPK TIADA HAKCIPTA yan berkenaan [T= DPK version 51% which is changed and had addition for its content make by someone who are not DPK founder and the change and addition are situable with relevant condition of DPK concept has no copyright]

2= Versi 52% atau yang lebih tinggi [hingga 75%] [T= version 52% or higher [until/to 75%]

>”Melebihi 51% tetapi bukan 51%” [= 2PPM = 2 Perkara Paling Mengelirukan ] atau disimbolkan dengan >51%=<=50.9% IAITU [Over 51% but is not 51% [ = 2PPM = 2 subject -matter which Most make confuse or be symbol with >51%=<=50.9% is:

Maksud >51%=< ialah: Mean >51%=<

1= Seseorang itu memiliki keyakinan terhadap seluruh versi 51%, malah melebihi tetapi tiada semua sifat [akhlak] pendorongan [uzlah, pengharapan hati bersih, mencintai kebenaran] atau hanya ada satu atau dua akhlak itu, Someone who has confidence about all of 51% version, even over but has not all  motivation characteristic [manner] [alone, hope clean heart, love truth] or only has one or two those manner,


2= Ada semua sifat asas DPK dan meyakini semua intipati versi 51% atau melebihi tetapi kemudian atau memang ada yang tidak diyakini sehingga menyentuh  tema agama Islam dalam versi 51%, sekalipun satu hal sahaja. Walaubagaimanapun, jika tidak mempercayai versi 52-75%, tidak akan menghilangkan kelayakan berada dalam golongan DPK kecuali jika ketidak-percayaannya itu dapat menyebabkan MURTAD. Has whole DPK basic characteristic and confident that whole content of 51% version or over but afterwards or indeed exist something did not believe it until touch subject-matter about Islam religion in 51% version, although one matter only. However, if did not believe version 52-75%, did not destroy requirement for stay in DPK group except if uncertain matter which did not believe cause apostate.

>51%=< ADALAH juga sama dengan 50.9%,[ sebab sesetengah orang menganggap yang kurang 0.1% itu sebenarnya bertambah 0.1%, ialah seperti 50.1% + 0.1% =51%] atau diringkaskan menjadi sebagai >51%=<=50.9%. >51%=< is also same with 50.9% [reason some people treat less as 0.1% actually increase in 0.1%, is like 50.1% + 0.1% = 51%] or in short form be as >51%=<=50.9%.

Walaubagaimanapun, golongan pengakhiran, walaupun dinamakan sebagai golongan Di Persimpangan Kutub tetapi mereka ialah golongan Di Persimpangan Kutub kategori kedua yang dinamakan juga sebagai golongan bintang kedua. Justeru, jika ada yang mereka tidak percaya intipati versi 51% yang dapat menghilangkan kelayakan di persimpangan kutub bagi golongan 51-75%, mereka masih dianggap sebagai golongan di persimpangan kutub kategori kedua jika Mahdi mengatakan intipati itu tidak tepat, tidak benar. Malah jika pengikut Mahdi salah pun, Mahdi masih mengatakan mereka golongan yang terbaik dan sebagainya, maka mereka tetap golongan di persimpangan kutub juga atau DPK kategori kedua. Semua penjelasan ini selaras, sesuai dan tidak berlawanan maksud dengan istilah asas DPK versi perintis DPK [=saya] yang berubah secara automatic semasa zaman kedatangan dan kepimpinan MAHDI. However, Last group, although get name as Di Persimpangan Kutub group but they are second Di Persimpangan Kutub Group which also get name as Second Star Group. Reason that, if  they did not believe about content of version 51% which can cancel requirement for di persimpangan kutub for group 51-75%, they still can treat as second di persimpangan kutub group if Mahdi state the content is not exact, not true. Even if Mahdi follower make mistake, Mahdi still say they are best group et cetera, so they still di persimpangan kutub group also or second DPK category. All these statement consistent, suitable and have not opposite meaning with DPK basic terminology of DPK pioneer version [=me] which change automatically when arrival and leadership of Mahdi.

> Mukjizat = Something amaze incident , extra-ordinary, which Allah give to prophets so that people believe that they are prophets and only ISLAM is a true religion. For examples, prophet Muhammad has many mukjizat such moon be small and go in to prophet Muhammad’s pocket. However the biggest or most important prophet Muhammad’s mukjizat is AL-QURAN. Mukjizat is evidence, strong evidence which give evidence that prophets are Allah’s messenger. Word “mukjizat” only use for wali Allah who become prophet.


>Nultema = Sesuatu yang diluar akal manusia, tidak mungkin akan ada manusia di dunia yang dapat mengetahui hakikatnya, sesuatu pertanyaan yang tidak mungkin ada manusia di dunia yang dapat memberikan jawapan. Sesuatu yang diluar ilmu dan pengetahuan manusia. Nultema berada selepas “hujung ilmu”. [Something outside human being mind, impossible there any human being at world who know their reality, something question which impossible exist person at world can give the answer. Something outside human knowledge. Nultema is situated after “end of knowledge”.Klik link di bawah [baca selepas automatic behaviour] :

Jadi kandungan gagasan DPK JUGA:


3-2=BlogDPK=ContohMisiDPK & Special Fast Reference/SFR:



>PEMANIS/PEMANISAN/MANISAN= Sesuatu yang menyeronokkan dan dirasakan lazat untuk dilakukan [T= Anything delightful and feel delicious to do it]

>PEMUTUS KITARAN BERKAITAN = Pemutus  yang mendorong buat hal  baik yang lain.  Apabila sesuatu hal lain yang didorongi itu juga Berjaya diselesaikan, penyelesaian itu pula mendorong melakukan sesuatu yang lain yang baik pula, yang sebelum ini selalu malas dilakukan, begitulah seterusnya. Keadaan seperti ini diistilahkan oleh saya sebagai Pemutus Kitaran Berkaitan.

>PENCETUS =Pencetus is anything which might cause or might encourage your mind and heart move to make any effort for find the truth or true fact or true information and what be that “anything” is something can or might be a matter  which show how to find, choose and investigate any source for detect the truth or true fact or true information!! Example for pencetus is DPK METHOD IN DPK VERSION 51%.

Penyekat =iaitu sesuatu yang menghalang terjadi minat atau keinginan untuk melakukan sesuatu yang baik

>Penyekat Utama= Sesuatu penyekat yang sangat atau paling mengakibatkan yang buruk seperti ibu dotisema. Dalam formula farziat PD2, penyekat utama, secara khusus bermakna penyekat utama yang berada dalam xXx [T= Any hindrance that very or most cause any bad effect such mother of dotisema. In formula of farziat PD2, penyekat utama, by special meaning is mean main hindrance that stay in xXx]

Peramal kitaran ialah sesuatu yang digunakan untuk cuba mengesan dan menilai kitaran seseorang. Dalam bidang psikologi , barangkali hal ini banyak wujud.

> Personality Splash =If you fail to kill your bad lust twin, this may become personality splash to your son or daughter. When your personality give effect to other person without you ask or command them to do like what you do, they do it, is mean  your personality become personality splash to them or in other meaning they have same personality like your personality which be personality splash. This is not inclusive something imitation which be pretended action. Or something action which has purpose to affront you. Other meaning of Personality Splash is anything effect from your asa isa effect, your asaidad effect, your badarila effect which influence or give effect to other person or they can get something benefit as the effect.

> Pintas budaya=  [Culture Overtake] iaitu sesuatu keadaan lebih mudah, lebih pantas, lebih selamat, lebih berkualiti, lebih berkesan, lebih menjimatkan masa, tenaga,

>Pusat DPK = DPK CENTER = Place for create DPK source and launch DPK revolution and has various general function

Pusat DPK Antarabangsa = International DPK Center = DPK centre which also has function for unite and solve different DPK  version which contain dissension, opposite meaning et cetera AT all zone at world

>Putus Hapus Kitaran = iaitu keadaan putus atau terputus sesuatu kitaran yang menghapuskan kitaran lain yang buruk atau baik.

>Putus tambah nilai =Sesuatu keadaan kitaran yang terputus, yang memberi tambahan  terhadap sesuatu kitaran yang  diistilahkan sebagai Putus Tambah Nilai [sama ada nilai baik atau buruk].


>Revolusi DPK =DPK REVOLUTION = Effort to make DPK concept be famous

>ROOT PROBLEM = Yang dimaksudkan dengan Root Problem itu ialah “Sesuatu yang dilihat menjadi masalah utama atau terakhir yang menyukarkan atau menghalang pembuatan keputusan atau yang menyebabkan keraguan, ketidak-pastian, yang meletakkan kemungkinan, yang menyebabkan syubahat, yang menghalangi timbul kepercayaan, keyakinan , menghalang penggunaan maklumat atau pengetahuan”.


>Siratan Awal = Kandungan gagasan DPK yang terletak di bawah intipati asas prinsip DPK  yang berkaitan dengan prinsip itu atau dianggap sebagai atau memang menjadi intipati tambahan untuk intipati asas prinsip DPK [ Content of DPK concept which situated under basic DPK principle content that relevant to the principle or treat it as or indeed be addition content for basic DPK principle content]

>Siratan Ghaib = Sesuatu yang tidak ditulis tetapi “ditulis dalam otak atau akal atau jadi gambaran” yang menjadi tambahan atau boleh dikaitkan atau penerangan lanjut mengenai sesuatu yang ditulis, dibaca atau dilihat atau didengari [Anything which is not be writing or did not write but “write in your brain or mind or be thing imagine” which be addition or can be something relevant or futher information about something writing, read, view or hear matter]

>Siratan Lanjutan Versi Perintis DPK [siratan lanjutan for DPK PIONEER VERSION] = version which explain more information concerning version of DPK principles and/ or explain whatever [general matter] other thing.However this version is not be the content for DPK principles version.

>Sumber DPK = DPK Source = DPK group or data, information and knowledge which found and afterwards  get process with truth searcher method [DPK method] for make any information which useful, can use it and become trust source made by party who has DPK characteristic or by who has not it.

>Sumber DPK Pembawa 51% = 51% Carrier DPK Source = Source created and made by person who agree 100% about 51% DPK version who make the source with DPK method with use all DPK sensor which can and get and should use it  and the person has DPK characteristic.

>Sumber DPK Penolak 51% = 51% Objector DPK Source = Source created and made by person  who disagree or agree and also disagree in some matter about  content of 51% DPK version and these persons make source 52%-75% with DPK method with use all DPK sensor which can and get use it. In this category, source which created indeed DPK source but those creators or who make it cannot call as DPK group [except their objection indeed correct and 51% version which become thing objection indeed wrong or not exact, whether I [DPK FOUNDER] state agreement or not, whether I make announcement of agree or not because  the 51% DPK did not include any content which is not exact or indeed wrong. However if their mistake concerning worldliness content, not about ISLAM religion, hence they still DPK.

>Sumber DPK Sejati = Authentic DPK Source = The source which has DPK characteristic and who make or create it also has DPK characteristic [HAS 51% Realization which indeed true and exact]

>Sumber DPK  Tidak Sejati = Non-Authentic DPK Source = Like 17% DPK source, 20% until 25% [= or with more detail is until 25.9%] which make by group 1-25% or DPK source 26%, 30%, 35%, 45% until 50.9% [ in short form until 50%] make by group 26-50%

>Sumber DPK Pemusnah = Destroyer DPK Source = DPK source which become sensor for search anything source or content which is not true, is not exact, wrong, contain falseness, error et cetera for destroy it and substitute it with true fact, truth, correct matter et cetera.

>Sumber DPK Pemintas = Short Cut DPK Source = DPK source which become more short, more easy to remember and understand, be a note or reference book  in summary form which contain easier practical which more save time, money and energy, more comfortable. more economize.


>Syarat 51% atau persyaratan 51% = Condition 51% = This is matter enable someone become DPK group . Someone need to has all of these condition 51% at the same time: 1= Believe 100% about newest DPK founder  principle version, although may not include non-Islam knowledge such science, not include anything wrong, error , something not exact, not include something is mean “might”, “not sure”, also not include any information which people difficult to understand because DPK founder indeed want person difficult to understand it, also not include whatever content which is not relevant to DPK principle or did not same meaning with DPK basic information[PRINCIPLE] and its siratan awal. 2= Have basic DPK characteristic such what become content of Main DPK terminology. This mean, those characteristic be their habit. 3=For female, must wear jilbab as their habit. 4= MUST BECOME MUSLIM OR INDEED A MUSLIM.

>Syuhud = Special feeling which happen to wali Allah when they remember with pleasure and “delicious” about one of these matter : Names of Allah, deed of Allah, characteristic of Allah & “zat’s” ALLAH. This special feeling cause they say something like: “I am a God ” or  “God is me”. Actually, their mean is Allah is a God and God is Allah. But , due to  feel very love to Allah, cause they said like  “I am a God” or “God is me”. What they said , like automatic speak.


>The Arrow Return To Back=The Arrow Return To Back is anything we cannot do it but if we do it, might seem we get the effect we want. What effect is that? I cannot tell you. It is secret also.   

>Teknik Pura Belok atau Pura Henti [T= Pretend To Turn or Pretend To Stop Technique]= Pretended to turn left with switch on the signal lamps to left and stop your vehicle at edge of road so that this condition encourage the driver behind your car drive safely and go away from you. This technique to avoid any vehicle which behind your vehicle collide your back vehicle due to too near to your back vehicle]

>>The Shadow Of Matter = Ini ialah ciri unik gagasan DPK yang dirahsiakan oleh pengasas DPK untuk tujuan yang baik. Ciri ini dinamakan sebagai The Shadow Of Matter yang baru disedari oleh Pengasas tentang kewujudan ciri ini pada Ahad 30 Mac 2014. Ini bukanlah ciri yang dirancang oleh pengasas. Ciri ini dapat dimatikan oleh pengasas tetapi disebabkan ciri ini sangat berguna, maka ciri ini tidak dihapuskan. Ciri ini akan lebih berguna kepada penyokong gagasan DPK versi perintis jika ciri ini dirahsiakan[T= This is unique characteristic of DPK concept which be secret matter for nice purpose, The characteristic is name as The Shadow Of Matter which Founder realize about the existence of the characteristic on Sunday 30 March 2014. This is not characteristic that be founder plan. The founder of DPK will not destroy this special characteristic be due to it is very useful. This characteristic will more useful to the supporter of DPK concept in pioneer version if this characteristic be secret]


>Ulamak = Person who  teach about ISLAM and they have certificate or diploma or degree in ISLAM and have qualification to teach ISLAM. If ulamak is a male, people call he is ustaz. If female, called ustazah


>Versi Perintis DPK atau Versi DPK Perintis DPK [Version of DPK Pioneer or DPK version of DPK Founder] = same meaning with kandungan DPK or kandungan gagasan DPK

>Versi prinsip DPK Perintis DPK = same meaning with Kandungan  Prinsip DPK [BAGI MAKSUD VERSI PRINSIP DPK perintis DPK]

>Versi Siratan DPK [Version of DPK siratan] = Siratan awal and lanjutan

>VIR =Very Important Reminder


>Wali Allah: Person who study about MYSTICISM in ISLAM and practise it until their heart be very clean from any “sin dirt” or “bad behaviour” and this cause they get syuhud experience OR Wali Allah is who get syuhud experience. Like they saw Allah or speaking with Allah although the true matter THEY never see Allah or never speak with Allah. Wali Allah is Allah’s lover. They love Allah and Allah love them also.


>Zon DPK = DPK ZONE = Area which have highest leader which has DPK characteristic and there has one or more DPK center , at area he lead.


14 thoughts on “1-73= DPK Dictionary

  1. […] EKONOMI MALAYSIA TERKANGKANGUntuk negara-negara di Dunia Ketiga seperti Malaysia : ekonomi terbuka …Saya bersimpati kepada pentabiran hari ini kerana terpaksa mengangkang untuk memanggil pelabur luar datang menjilat madu ekonomi negara kita. Sebenarnya ekonomi terbuka atau ekonomi terkangkang ini adalah satu fenomena yang baru. Ekonomi terkangkang ini di paksakan bukan sahaja kepada Malaysia malah kepada semua negara yang mengamalkan sistem ekonomi kapitalis. […]


  2. […] of pencetus and some content of DPK source might be the content of pencetus. In fifth process, Exist new theory, concept, new content for old concept etc. In sixth process, might some content of new conclusion or new concept become content of pencetus. […]


  3. […] is aTaara? ATaara is one secret terminology in The Kitaran Personaliti Theory. Why must be secret? Reason someone may get any accident be due […]


  4. […] Katakan anda ingin membeli KAHELIP. Hanya ada dua syarikat yang membina kahelip . Anda ingin memilih, sama ada membeli kahelip […]


  5. […] condition which destroy one  bad habit which will never exist more until we die “. This Badarila might cause whole or some […]


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