SpecialEdition-Cautious! Pig In Gardenia???

One Source Said That Gardenia Company has capital in pig trade!!!

One Source Said That Gardenia Company has capital in pig trade!!!


A man told me that Bukhari bought Gardenia, a bread company at Malaysia. One day, I click one link at my blog [DPK Blog] and I read this:

“Saya baru terima email dari teman tentang PEMILIK GARDENIA (QAF Limited) – Pengeluar Daging Babi Terbesar di Australia. Terkejut juga dibuatnya… so saya buat surfing CHECK KAT SINI!! Bolehlah surfing kat web tu check through the PRIMARY PRODUCTION…..

(Baca di sini juga…. Baca!)

Email dari teman yang berbunyi….

Salam sejahtera kepada semua kaum Muslimin & Muslimat. Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang, warkah ini disalin dan dikirimkan kepada masyarakat kita untuk memberi perhatian kepada satu kegiatan yang menyalahi Hukum Syarak oleh sesebuah syarikat perniagaan. Amat terkejut dan terperanjat apabila membaca satu artikel oleh Goola Warden dalam The Edge Singapore bertarikh 13 Januari 2004 yang mendedahkan bahawa QAF Limited ataupun dikenali sebagai GARDENIA adalah pengeluar DAGING BABI terbesar di Australia dan Singapura. Perniagaan Daging Babi adalah penyumbang terbesar kepada keuntungan GARDENIA. Sejak membaca risalah tersebut, fikiran saya terganggu memikirkan bahawa saya telah menjadi mangsa perbuatan aniaya, tidak jujur dan tamak syarikat GARDENIA. Dengan serta-merta, saya telah amaran kepada keluarga, rakan dan taulan supaya tidak lagi membeli barangan keluaran GARDENIA. Jangan kita yang telah mengetahuinya terus menerus meletakkan dosa di bahu kita dan ahli masyarakat orang muslim. Sebagai hamba Allah, adalah tanggungjawab saya untuk menyerlahkan situasi sebenar dan mengambil tindakan untuk menyaran kepada semua umat Islam supaya memberhentikan pembelian roti berjenama GARDENIA dengan serta-merta dan masa hadapan. Syarikat ini secara langsung ataupun secara tidak langsung tidak menunjukkan rasa hormat dan keperhatinan kepada kaum masyarakat Islam. Saudara-saudari sekalian, marilah kita berkongsi pengetahuan ini dengan rakan taulan Islam kita dan saya percaya, sebagai umat  Islam yang baik, saudara-saudari akan mengambil tindakan sebenar untuk muslimat dan muslimin yang belum berpeluang mengetahui hal yang sebenar. Semoga seluruh umat Islam bersatu tenaga dan kepercayaan untuk menghapuskan kesangsian yang terbukti benar untuk kebaikan semua umat Islam.”

Comment above written by a muslim at this blog:




If the above fact is a truth, Gardenia Bakeries (KL) Sdn. Bhd is a big liar . Many or whole muslim at MALAYSIA became victim of this big liar for many years. How they got “HALAL MALAYSIA” certificate? Because the department who has authority to give the certificate never know that QAF Limited where Gardenia Bakeries (KL) Sdn. Bhd became a subsidiary of   them [QAF Limited] is the biggest pork manufacturer at Australia and Singapore OR some worker of the department get bribe so that they give the certificate to GARDENIA??? Many years we [muslim] eat Gardenia Bread and we did not know about this fact. I  start know it on 19 JULY 2014. On this date, I told my mum about this so that she will not buy any GARDENIA product more. We should fire Gardenia Factory with nuclear missile now?!?!?!

You can click website for Gardenia Bakeries (KL) Sdn. Bhd:


If you obedient to SIXTH PRINCIPLE OF DPK CONCEPT and very far understand about its implicit content, you will often avoid yourselves from buy anything product which become non-muslim product!!! Because they [ non-muslim] never have any faith to ALLAH, ISLAM. So, IT IS NOT IMPOSSIBLE IF THEY PRETEND BE NICE SO THAT THEY CAN GET “HALAL MALAYSIA” CERTIFICATE  AND AFTER THAT THEY SELL PORK AT OVERSEA WITH SECRET METHOD SO THAT  EVERY MUSLIM IN THIS WORLD DID NOT KNOW ABOUT THIS SECRET!!!




A malay male who trade in a retail shop ever told me that non-muslim buy ADABI [originally this company is malay or muslim company]. However the words that show ADABI’S PRODUCT is made by malay  or muslim still printed at any ADABI product.

IF THE TRUTH IS GARDENIA OR QAF LIMITED SELL PORK, IS MEAN IS NOT IMPOSSIBLE IF GARDENIA USE CAPITAL OF  PORK SALE  FOR MAKE GARDENIA  BREAD. So, if this true, illicit to muslim to buy or eat gardenia bread. If we eat it, is mean we eat illicit food!!

We [muslim] must remember that  is not impossible if  non-muslim manufacturer  use various evil and lie method so that muslim believe that every their product is not illicit. They might use any name of company or product which show their company are muslim’s company or which show the product is made by muslim although the true fact is not like that. They might take muslim worker but muslim worker did not know the secret inside any product or capital or management. The product might come from any farm which the farm owner is not a muslim and dog and pig often there. The product might come from non-muslim country but the package work happen in muslim country. Some restaurant, we enter it, seem whole are nice, not illicit but when we want to pay , go to the payment counter, a Chinese or non-muslim come to us, suddenly, to accept our payment. Oh my GOD! OH ALLAH! This is like lie technique.

No one angel we supervise what happen in non-muslim factories or companies. No one muslim want to supervise it in 24 hour for make sure non-muslim often obedient [= did not use something non-illicit good/product.




4 thoughts on “SpecialEdition-Cautious! Pig In Gardenia???

  1. […] itu menyembunyikan diri dalam sebatang pokok yang sangat besar, yang jadi rumah dia sejak 7 tahun lalu. Pokok itu […]


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