Announcement About Pre 51*


I am the first creator for Di Persimpangan Kutub or version 51% for DPK as World First Star Pioneer, as the creator for the sensor of the truth.

I am the first creator for Di Persimpangan Kutub or version 51% for DPK as World First Star Pioneer, as the creator for the sensor of the truth.

“On Today, Sunday 27 December 2015, I announce that if you see any post, page or content which get this symbol: >I< , this is mean : this content/post/page [not include DPK decoration] is in DPK Clean Zone except in last Declaration of 51%* Existence , the content is not it. Actually, we can treat >I< as content which become “experiment” before it can be real content except it indeed true information and exact. These experiment content process may happen with perfect filter process at the same time.

That is enough.”


The Creator of Kitaran Personaliti Theory

The Creator of The King Of Indigence Killer Strategy

The Creator Of The Sensor Of The Truth

The First Creator For Di Persimpangan Kutub Philosophy


World First Star Pioneer

The Symbol Of Uzlah



Please hear this sound from this video:

2 thoughts on “Announcement About Pre 51*

  1. […] REMINDER NOTE: These list are not include any post & page which still not finish in translation work to English or to Malay or both of these. Any page or post which has symbol “E_/” is mean the translation work to English is already finish, “M_/” is mean the malay word or its translation is already finish. “EM_/” or “ME_/” is mean, both of those language are already finish on translation or writing. Exception[=e] which get symbol like “e>E_/” or “e>M_/” or “e>ME_/” or “e>EM_/” is mean the english translation work or/and malay writing or translation to malay is already finish although actually is not. This happen may reason I treat that full translation is not necessary. Exception is mean exception from full translation or from 100% finish. “M_/E><” is mean malay writing is finish but english is not finish yet. “E_/M><” is mean english writing is finish but malay word is not finish yet. So, you understand about symbol like “E_/e>M” [= “e>M,E_/” = “E_/e>M><“], “EM><“[=”ME><“] et cetera. SEE ALSO THIS INFORMATION FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: annoucement about pre 51%* or >I<. […]


  2. […] REMINDER NOTE: These list are not include any post & page which still not finish in translation work to English or to Malay or both of these. Any page or post which has symbol “E_/” is mean the translation work to English is already finish, “M_/” is mean the malay word or its translation is already finish. “EM_/” or “ME_/” is mean, both of those language are already finish on translation or writing. Exception[=e] which get symbol like “e>E_/” or “e>M_/” or “e>ME_/” or “e>EM_/” is mean the english translation work or/and malay writing or translation to malay is already finish although actually is not. This happen may reason I treat that full translation is not necessary. Exception is mean exception from full translation or from 100% finish. “M_/E><” is mean malay writing is finish but english is not finish yet. “E_/M><” is mean english writing is finish but malay word is not finish yet. So, you understand about symbol like “E_/e>M” [= “e>M,E_/” = “E_/e>M><“], “EM><“[=”ME><“] et cetera. SEE ALSO THIS INFORMATION FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: annoucement about pre 51%* or >I<. […]


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